Create an Account

Your email address will be your login username.
Password Hint: Password must be at least 6 characters long. Password must have at least one special character (ex :~, !, |, #, $, %). Password must have at least one digit ('0'-'9'). Password must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').

YOU'RE ALMOST THERE! After you press the Create Account button, check your email for login confirmation.

Why Register?

Creating an account lets you submit your child's application online to St. Clair Catholic school(s) and manage the applications in the future.

Note:Use of the Site and/or the registration application service provided by the St. Clair Catholic District School Board ("The Board") DOES NOT guarantee admission to the selected school(s) or program(s).

Password: Password must be at least 6 characters long. Password must have at least one special character (ex :~, !, |, #, $, %). Password must have at least one digit ('0'-'9'). Password must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').

Please note that this account is created and managed within a secure environment based on SCCDSB privacy regulations. Personal information collected on the student registration form is under the authority of the Education Act and Regulations (R.S.O. 1990 C.e.2) in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) (RSO 1990 c.M56), as amended.